Thursday, September 13, 2012

BYU is the hope for the future of the Church

I believe BYU is the glue holding this church together. Statistically, I would imagine retention rates for BYU grads is higher than those attending other schools or no school at all.

And with a degree in hand, BYU graduates are going to earn more, thus increasing their 10% contribution to the church. The church may find itself in a cash and membership crunch if they ever did away with BYU.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Should we tell people the truth about the Church?

Who am I to knock cracks in the beliefs of someone else? If the church really works for someone, and they are genuinely happy, why would I want to rip their beliefs from them, even if it is all a mirage? At the same time, if someone really would be better off knowing the truth, I believe it is our obligation to inform them of the realities of the Church. But it's a fine line to walk. And you must be careful and deliberate.