Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Is it too much to ask, for our prophet to be prophetic?

Why doesn't the Prophet speak out about critical issues that pose serious consequences for the country and the world? Global warming, national debt, etc.

And if he's really a prophet, maybe he could give some direction on how to go about curing cancer. We have the Word of Wisdom to help us with improving our health. Wouldn't some prophetic guidance for curing cancer be an even bigger step to improving health? Maybe even some counsel on what causes cancer so we can avoid those things?

Is it really too much to ask that we get more from our Prophet than another anecdote about visiting a widow or a simple motivational quote like, "Dont worry, everything will work out."

I think the world deserves more than that from the one person on earth with a direct conduit to mind and will of God.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

We must be ever careful

Members of the church must be ever watchful and careful to avoid ANY information contrary to the teachings of the church.

The reason for this is that the information out there is so clear, so convincing. It is astounding how easily the fundamental claims of the church are so easily discredited.

Even a superficial study of the evidence debunking Mormonism will destroy a "testimony" very quickly.